If you urgently need to find out the price of renting a private plane or calculate the cost of a flight on a specific private plane - use our online calculator below. Please note that the price presented on the website is indicative since the exact figure consists of many components, such as type of aircraft, distance and flight route, number of passengers, business jet parking days planned to visit VIP halls, as well as catering, additional service, airport fees, the number of crew, etc. If you urgently need to find out the exact price - contact our managers by phone +41228860222 or by writing to us on WhatsApp messenger or by e-mail flight@private-jet.aero
Please fill out all the fields of the calculator form so that the calculation will be as correct as possible. The final data will be sent to your email address or to the specified messenger. The service of calculating the price and searching for an aircraft is completely free for you and does not impose any obligations. The company's experts are always happy to answer all your questions and advise you on business aviation issues. The final price will be announced to you by a personal manager after receiving additional information about the flight. If necessary, we will urgently prepare a mini-presentation on the most suitable aircraft for you where the cost, technical characteristics of the business jet, photos and other important rental conditions will be indicated. Most aircraft have virtual 3D tours, so you can carefully examine the aircraft and make sure of its comfort and safety. We will be happy to answer all your questions and give full information on the business jet, the flight itself, as well as the paperwork process.
You can book a plane directly on the website online. Fill out the form below - this does not oblige you to anything. Our consultant will contact you and clarify all the details of the flight, after which they will select the best options, taking into account your wishes.